What is HTTPS & How it Benefits the
security of your Website

Privacy and security are what everything and everyone demands for. Just like that When it comes to your website, security matters. 85 percent of consumers would drop a shopping if data was sent over an unsecured connection. 82 per cent of people wouldn’t browse an unsecured website. 43 per cent of cyber attacks target small business. Therefore security matters in Web Development!

There’s one way with which you can promise yourself and your customers privacy. With HTTPS!

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is simply the process of encrypting the data you send over a web server and browser. Data like credit card information and logins will be safe from getting stolen in between if you have HTTPS. And now that HTTPS is easy to implement, the secure connections have become the benchmark of every website.

Let us see look into the reasons why your website should be secure

1. Increased Googled Rankings

Google always stands with the security of users. This is why 40% of websites shown on the first of SERPs are HTTPS sites. Googles do favour HTTPS because the search engine wants to send the users only to secure sites.

2. Improvised Security

A cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds and 43% of those cyberattacks target small businesses. Therefore Google focuses on bringing the safest web experience to users by supporting HTTPS. Google adds rules to the rankings algorithm when it has proven to provide a better user experience.

3. Updates Browser Labels

Google is also updating its labelling for HTTP sites in Chrome’s URL bar. As for now, HTTP sites are marked with a grey information symbol which says to the user the site is not secure if they click on it. In the near future, Google is going to update that to include a “Not Secure” label that is displayed in plain sight, rather than after a user clicks on the information symbol.

4. Increased Conversions

Users certainly do not understand the technicalities of a secure connection, but they can be sure of that they want their sight to be secure with HTTPS especially when they are giving personal information online. The conversion rates are shifting from HTTP and HTTPS.

5. Increased Customer Confidence

People are now aware of HTTPS and they do care about their information most important. Therefore if you can give them the security they deserve, they will forever be loyal to your brand.

If you are planning to make the switch to HTTPS then this is the team and we Beetle are the team!

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