7 Ways Marketers Are Increasing
Conversions with Interactive Emails

For the past few years, interactivity has been a popular email design trend. It’s no surprise because interactive emails are a fantastic way to boost engagement and conversions. It’s a full-fledged interactive experience contained within one inbox.

The rise of interactive content is well-known among marketers. Anything your customers click, swipe, or interact with is considered interactive content. For example, according to Martech Advisor, “interactive email content increases the click-to-open rate by 73 percent, and adding videos to your email content can increase click rates by 300%.”

Why do customers and subscribers, on the other hand, favor interactive content? Furthermore, how do we, as an industry, accommodate their requests if they do?

Brands are jumping on the interactive content bandwagon to experiment with email, especially as it pervades the marketing sphere. Many of these companies are already discovering that interactive email marketing strategies and methods are popular with their users.

What is Interactive Email Content?

Interactive content requires a viewer to engage actively and participate to access the whole experience, usually by tapping, swiping, or interacting with the piece of content. Interactive email incorporates that premise into an email campaign.

Email is still catching up in adding interaction due to technical limitations. There are, however, a few things you can do right now to make your emails more interactive. On the other hand, emails are expected to catch up to the rest of the web. Gmail appears to be establishing the foundation for this to happen already.

Why Should Your Content Be Ordinary If Your Brand Isn’t?

So, what is your content that makes it stand out from the flood of brand messages thrown at the unwitting consumer? Unfortunately, dry whitepapers, never-ending e-books, and technical films are not among them.

Today, high-quality content is more about the kind of experience you leave your reader with than how well you convey what you want to say. And if you’re going to get their attention, you’ll have to go above and above. You’ll need to entice them with engaging and easily digestible material. Tempt your audience with a compelling and engaging content experience to pique their interest in learning more about your company.

This type of interactive material pushes the audience to respond by asking them to voice their preferences, making the process more dynamic and engaging.

The benefits of interactive content for digital products are discussed in this article as seven strategies to improve user experience and increase conversions. Continue reading to learn how to leverage interactive content to enhance your consumers’ content experiences!

3 Reasons Why Interactive Content Is Beneficial

    1. Greater Audience Engagement

Whether you’re targeting teenagers or seniors, interactive material caters to all of them. The nature of interactive material – even terrible information – entices us all to click through it in the hopes of receiving some reward. So it all comes down to how inventive you can be with interactive material so that the total experience gives your user a sense of fulfilment that leads to conversion.

    1. Improved SEO Results

One of the most notable advantages of making your content interactive is that it can help you get a high SEO position. Giving the customer control over the content experience distinguishes your content by keeping visitors engaged on your website and lowering bounce rates, which improves your SEO rankings.

    1. Capturing Data More Efficiently

Nobody enjoys getting bombarded with irrelevant marketing communications, and most people are hesitant to give their email addresses to unknown organizations.

Suppose you design interactive content such as an exciting and relevant quiz or a survey. In that case, you not only have valuable data that you can use for business, but consumers are more likely to share their email addresses with you since you have created engaging and credible content.

7 Ways to Make Interactive Content Work for You

There are numerous methods to employ interactive content to provide a customer with a rich and relevant content experience. Let’s have a look at some of them.

    1. Personalization

One of the most critical factors in increasing conversions is personalization. According to 74 percent of marketers, the personalization of emails enhances consumer engagement rates and various other KPIs. Every day, the modern consumer receives hundreds of advertising emails. A customized subject line and email body are required for your email campaign to stand out.

Companies can do this in several ways. When a person joins your email list, they give you general information such as their name, email address, and other pertinent information. Your team can use this information to create highly tailored emails that get opened and interacted with. You may send automatic and customized messages to your customers using many email software tools and programs.

Another option is to delve deeper into the virtual selling arsenal by including a tailored sales engagement video in the email. For example, you may add a welcoming face to your message and make your email more interactive by incorporating a short, personal video message. It builds trust and boosts the number of people who respond to your emails.

    1. Make Videos That Are Short and Sweet

Including videos in your email campaigns is another excellent way to capture your distracted audience’s attention. In addition, video allows you to offer a variety of content formats to your clients. For example, you can make an educational video about industry trends, a promotional film for your new products and services, or a how-to video, which many people prefer to reading instructions.

Sending a video as an email attachment is also a highly convenient approach to communicating with your audience—they can click on the video and see it straight away. Then, once you get interested, it’s sure people will visit your website.

Don’t make your movies too long—about 1-2 minutes, depending on the video. Ensure the subject line contains the word “video,” which can raise open rates by 19%. And including a clickable graphic in the email body boosts clicks and conversions by 65%.

    1. Email Content with Interactive Accordions

Another clever approach to fitting a lot of information into a tiny space without browsing is to use an accordion. You can organize your email content into tabs that expand and shrink based on user interaction with an accordion menu. It makes reading your emails more enjoyable for your readers, especially on mobile devices. You can significantly enhance mobile conversions this way. And with up to 60% of email opens occurring on mobile devices, this is a critical issue for digital marketing.

Accordions can also use to track clicks inside the content area of tabs, allowing you to see which portions are getting the most attention and tailor your emails to their needs. Although the email is intuitive, it doesn’t take anything for granted and emphasizes that it is interactive, encouraging more participation.

    1. Polls & Surveys

These are the most direct ways to employ interactive material out of all the options. They’re a tried-and-true way to engage your audience and collect data while allowing them to participate in the content experience your company has provided.

They’re also relatively simple to implement. But, first, you have to distribute appropriate forms to potential clients via email or social media platforms (you can acquire them from websites like Google Forms). However, it is critical to note that it must be short to succeed. If you make more money, you risk obtaining nothing if your clients become overwhelmed.

Many individuals enjoy taking a poll or survey now and then to help their favorite brands improve (as long as it’s short and snappy). Polls are a simple method to keep readers engaged in your material; for example, you might ask them what themes they’d like to read about following or what types of issues they regularly face in their field. You may even conduct a poll of your audience and publish the results in a future blog post!

Your marketing team can use surveys to determine how a recipient felt about a particular piece of content, an experience they had with your company, or a product they bought. Follow-up surveys are vital for demonstrating to your prospects and customers that you care about their needs. You can change the poll design by incorporating clickable emoticons and star ratings to provide some variety. It is a non-intrusive technique to encourage participation while still getting helpful input.

    1. A Powerful Call to Action (CTA):

To increase conversions, you must have a compelling call to action. Then, after you’ve done all the hard work crafting a compelling subject line and email text, the customer finally sees your call to action. Therefore, the conversion rate for your email may vary depending on how well-crafted the call to action is.

You may improve your call to action in several ways. First, in your call to action, you can employ action-oriented text. It informs the customer of the steps required to receive your offer. “Demo here,” “order now,” and “save your seat” are all examples of this.

You can make the call to action large and clickable in addition to employing action-oriented wording. A call to action is simply a button or a link that directs people to your offer. Images or other content in your email may cause you to be distracted. Conversion rates will skyrocket if the CTA is easily visible and clickable.

    1. A/B Testing

A/B testing is an excellent way to boost conversion rates. However, all of the conversion rate optimization suggestions are suggestions. They might work in your industry on average, but there’s no guarantee of success. That is why A/B testing is crucial for increasing conversion rates. If you manage an online business, there are many tools available to assist you in getting started with A/B testing.

A/B testing involves sending one version of an email to some subscribers and another to another. You may use this testing to see how different email titles, email bodies, lengths, calls to action, and other parameters affect conversion rates.

You’ll be able to identify which techniques help convert your email subscribers if you run A/B tests several times. Then, you may instantly begin implementing such modifications and improving your conversion rates. You can practically test any variable in your email to find which variant works best for your target audience.

    1. Visuals

Visuals can help you add imagery to your emails and boost conversion rates. Visual content marketing works in emails, according to numerous research. For example, emails with visuals have a 650 percent higher engagement rate than ones that are solely text.

You can use images in your email marketing in a variety of ways, including:

Including graphics in your call to action: CTAs with images have a higher conversion rate than CTAs using text. Therefore, you may test the effect of adding specific photos to your CTA to see how it affects your conversion rates.

Infographics are helpful for various purposes: Infographics are attractive and can be a pleasant addition to your emails. In addition, you can use infographics to show a notion to your readers and attract their attention right away when they open the email.

These are just a handful of effective email marketing strategies that can help you increase conversions.

Don’t be static. Make it Interactive. Click Yes To Agree!

The value of static material is diminishing. Your readers may be scrolling through articles and blogs looking for something light, enjoyable, or instructional rather than looking for a clear answer.

Make an out-of-the-box suggestion to nudge them in your path. Please give a game that gently challenges, for example. Make the entire experience fun, interactive, and personal to get people involved and provide them with a cause to be invested in your material.

Remember that the content market remains crowded, and your readers’ attention spans are finite. Therefore, make this initial contact worthwhile for them, and the data they provide you is helpful for the success of your brand initiative.

Increase the number of successful interactions and conversions by experimenting with different types of interactive content and, most importantly, by keeping the reader at the center of the content experience.

We believe that interactive content marketing strategy will continue to expand as consumers demand brands to provide them with more entertainment, personalization, and engagement. Interactivity in emails makes potential customers more likely to read, remember, share, and convert, making them more likely to read, reflect, share, and transform. As firms move away from bulk marketing and toward something more personalized and engaging, these email trends will continue to rise. Because email customization is still necessary for email marketing, make sure your marketing team starts incorporating it into your strategy if they haven’t already.

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