How To Use Regex For SEO?

Regular expressions, commonly known as Regex, might seem daunting at first, but they hold significant potential for various digital marketing tasks. The concept of regular expressions is not as complex as it seems. While Regular Expressions may seem like a confusing mess of informal characters, it only takes a few minutes for you to figure out how to apply some of the essential Regular Expressions to your work. A Regex search and extraction can be very beneficial for web operations teams, SEO teams, web analytics teams, researchers, community managers, and any other type of digital marketer.

Regex is an easy-to-use, helpful tool that can be learned in no time at all. Although we recommend that you complete the entire block since we feel it is the best investment in time-to-results you can make. Regular Expressions aren’t nearly as complicated as they appear. Even though Regular Expressions may seem like a chaotic mess of informal characters, it takes just a few minutes of reading to figure out how to apply some of the essential Regular Expressions in your work. Web operations, SEO and web analytics teams, researchers, community managers, and any other type of internet marketing services can benefit significantly from Regex searching and extraction.

The SEO process becomes more refined over time. However, with intelligent search and cutting-edge SEO strategies, this is only the beginning. With this comprehensive blog, you will undoubtedly develop programming expertise and learn how to use Regex for SEO.

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Getting Started with Regex

Regular expressions, or Regex, are beneficial for finding and extracting textual data from many different sources, including HTML markup, log files, URLs, and even manuscripts. Various tasks can be accomplished using regex, such as filtering server logs, rewriting URLs, and extracting anchor text from links. This tool is handy for SEOs since it allows us to create patterns to filter records, rewrite URLs, and extract anchor text from links.

Furthermore, you can use the “find” feature with the web crawler. This makes it an invaluable tool for tracking down problems and extracting data. SEO methods use this feature relatively new, and it isn’t extensively used to expand reach to new platforms.

To improve regex accessibility, the screaming frog seo2 spider added custom extraction in July 2015. Until recently, Excel was the best tool for regex extraction and crawlers that screamed like frogs to collect URLs.

Many web professionals ignore the immense power of regex, even though it is widely available. Using a combination of screaming frog and a few other tools, you can quickly learn regex.

  • RegEx
  • Regular Expressions 101
  • Txt2re
  • Build RegEx


Try out a couple of the suggestions above to better understand Search Engine Optimization. Regex users can make their tasks easier, more convenient, and more valuable with a few regular expressions.

  • “.” Any character
  • “.*” 0 or more character
  • “.+” 1 or more character
  • “?” Optional character
  • “^” Beginning of a line
  • “$” End of a line
  • “\” Escape a unique character


Google analytics becomes more comfortable when one applies a standard pattern. Regex, for example, is a tool independent of any programming language. For instance, you don’t need to know Google Analytics, Python, JavaScript, or Java programming since regular expressions require only a few points.

Regular expressions come in a variety of ways depending on the computer language. However, assume you have a basic knowledge of any programming language and how to use common words. In that case, you do not need to understand them because you can use them in any programming language.

Regular expressions are available in several flavors, each with its syntax. Our focus here will be Ruby’s version of regex.

Once you learn regex basics, you can understand more advanced topics like capture groups, abbreviated classes, mode modifiers, and negated categories. The concepts of conditional matching, look-around, catastrophic backtracking, and atomic grouping are more complicated. The following topics can be examined in any order, but understanding the principles is crucial.

Let’s Discover Regex

The purpose of this blog is to help you understand the fundamentals of Regex. However, many people believe that all regexes are the same. Although, this is incorrect since computer languages and data analysis is used in conjunction with this tool.

Depending on the programming language, some regexes might not be compatible with specific computer programs.

What Role does Regex have in SEO?

In SEO tactics, this is used for filtering keywords or phrases that drive traffic to websites. This filter allows you to analyze your users’ behavior and search intent. This has become increasingly important since Google’s BERT update of its Search Engine, which allowed it to determine user intent better using natural language processing.

On the first page of the SERP, search engines focus on determining user intent and ranking the best content. Two free SEO tools facilitate the use of Regex technology: Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

What Does Regex Look Like?

Expressions may contain several operators that operate more like wildcards to achieve a sample match than a precise textual match within the search results.

The feature can also include optionally accessible characters, nested sub-expressions in parentheses, and ‘or’ characteristics, as well as a single-character wildcard or a match for zero or more characters. If you mix these processes, you can create a phrase with far-reaching but specific effects.

Take a Closer Look at the Basics of Regex.


  • Match Characters


With the help of flags, you can match one or more characters. Also, wildcards can be used as separate sets of indications.

  • Dot “.” Matches any character such as SE. will match SEO and SEM both.
  • [aeiou] will match multiple vowels such as t[ai]ll will map till and tall both.



  • Or/AND Logic


It facilitates logical expressions to combine several conditions in regular expressions. The pattern can be combined with alternate AND operators to add ALL criteria. Google Analytics doesn’t support the AND operator.


  • Quantifiers


Quantity specifiers, also known as Quantifiers, inform the user how often a character must be used. This indicates how many times the previous material can be matched.

  • “+” for one or more time
  • “{2}” for twice
  • “{3,5}” for three to five times
  • “*” for zero or more times
  • “?” for once or none



  • Negated Character Set


Those who wish to choose this can do so. The character set can be used to replace any characters you don’t want to use. Using a caret character in a character set ([^]) creates a negated character set.


  • Positive and Negative Lookahead


You can use lookahead patterns to check the paths you have already specified. The following can be used as a guide to help you improve your string. There are two types of lookaheads.

  • Positive lookahead “(?=).”
  • Negative lookahead “(?!)”



  • Greedy and Lazy Matching


Greedy matching looks for the longest possible string segment in a regular expression.

On the other hand, a lazy match finds the shortest string that satisfies a Regex instead of a greedy game.

  • .* Is the example of the greedy match as it matches the tag.
  • ? Is lazy, which matches the heading tag (title).



  • Group Elements of a Regex


Regex elements can be grouped using () in a capture group component.


  • Anchors


As Regex uses unique tokens called Anchors, you can refine your search based on context or the particular position of your search string. A zero-length character matches a position rather than a character. Here are the most common regex anchors:

  • ^ → Asserts that the following regex at the start of the text must match.
  • $ →Asserts that the previous regex must match at the end of the text.
  • b →Declares that this point is a Word Boundary


Other Helpful Regex

(?<=[\/])\d{2,} Any number followed by a backslash match. At the beginning and end of a string, s+|s+$ selects all-white whitespace. This proves to be useful when working with data.

(?<=\.)(.*?)(?=.)  Assists the user in obtaining a domain name. Strings between two dots will match this.

(?<=string) (.*) It matches everything after a string, but not the string itself, which is useful for cleaning up URLs.


  • Flags


The user can use flags to help them determine which kind of character to match. Users may decide to ignore this form of division when matching numerical words. Finish the Regex with a flag like a google/i to use this feature.

Listed below are various valuable and functional flags.

  • \ I ignore-case
  • \g matches more than one case
  • \d matches the digit from 0 to 9
  • \w matches ASCII letter, digit, or underscore. It is similar as [A-Za-z0-9_]\g
  • \s matches whitespace;
  • \D matches with that is not a digit from 0 to 9;
  • \W matches anything that is not an ASCII letter, digit, or underscores;
  • \S matches anything except whitespace


How to Filter Tables in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free tool that helps analyze the user journey on your website by using such data as:

  • Audience: demographic information
  • Acquisition: how the user arrived on your site
  • Behavior: what the user does on your site
  • Conversion: The consumer meets the sales or marketing objectives you set out for them on your website


You can filter data in Google Analytics and better understand user behavior with regex.

Google Search Console: How to Filter Queries?

Like Google Analytics, Google Search Console is an essential tool. As a result, you can learn how Google uses sites in search results, diagnose technical SEO concerns, and get data on user behavior.

Google Search Console added the tool “Regex” in April 2021 to increase data filtering. Look for patterns that include:

  • Match a Regex
  • Don’t match a Regex


The Google Search Console provides various services, but one of the most useful is the Performance Report. Here are some resources like this:

    • Total Clicks
    • Total Impressions
    • Average CTR
    • Average Position
    • Queries (Keywords up to 1000)
    • Pages that are ranking
    • Countries
    • Devices


  • Search Appearance
  • Dates

Regex Use Cases for SEO


  • Screaming Frog


Managing crawling time with regular crawling requirements is essential when working with large sites. When it comes to customizing crawls, Screaming Frog offers two beneficial options for including and excluding specific site sections.


  • Include Site Section(s)


You can confine the crawl to specific portions of the site with regex, allowing you to audit the most critical sections and pages regularly.


  • Exclude Site Section(s)


Using the exclude option, we can exclude specific sections of the site or URLs with parameters under the setup tab.


  • Google Analytics


Google Analytics’ Regex feature can be handy when setting up custom filters, creating complex segments, or putting specific filters in place on the fly as you examine reports.


  • Regex-based advanced segmentation


By using the OR (|) operator, you can find many matching strings at once. This feature comes in handy when we need to set up complex segments to analyze traffic from several sources or any other dimension.


  • Google Search Console


The GSC platform recently received regex support from Google, quickly becoming a popular feature. It provides both matching and non-matching filters when using a regex match.


  • Regex Filtering for Search Intent


Using regex, you can filter performance data at the query level to determine what queries are being asked about your products/services.

Search intents such as transactional and navigational searches can also be analyzed using similar filters.


  • Classifying pages based on their characteristics or types


Take a look at your main navigation or your most important product pages across many categories. An easy way to accomplish this is to use a regex. 

Why Use Regex?

Regex can be a valuable new tool for many SEO practitioners, even though you must first learn about strings and operators.  A regex can be used to identify search intent, perform content analysis, and analyze user behavior, among other things.

Search engine optimization relies on data and an awareness of the technical difficulties that must be tackled as soon as possible.

In many technologies, data filtering provides additional information about a website. Ahrefs and SEMrush and crawlers like Oncrawl and Google Analytics, and Google Search Console are examples.

It is crucial to understand the operators and characters when using Regex. There will then be a clearer picture of using them to gain value. We can comprehend the data available, determine the search intent, and focus on the search queries that lead users to your website using Regex filters.

The goal of SEO in digital marketing is to increase traffic and rank keywords higher in search results. The most important goal, however, is to increase conversions and sales. With regex, you can create a conversion monster for your website.

How Does Regex Help With Web Optimization?

Lastly, what is the point of it all?

In short, it’s about filtering out the parts of your data that don’t help you improve your web optimization, whether or not they are specific pages or features of your website, visitors from a particular source or medium, or knowledge of your local community.

Regex expressions can be used to achieve an essential ‘include’ or ‘exclude’ filter. More extended expressions similar to programming code can perform more advanced and specific results.

A specific regex for each search engine marketing campaign will allow you to test whether your web optimization efforts are achieving your goals, aims, and outcomes. This will provide a reliable method for demonstrating positive ROI on future SEO investments. 

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