5 Free Google Tools to Enhance
Your SEO Strategy

SEO tools are essential to launching a successful campaign. This article presents 5 free Google tools that can improve your website’s search engine visibility. Through SEO digital marketing, clients can raise their search engine rankings and gain clients.

1.Google Keyword Planner

A Google Keyword Planner is a free tool for SEO digital marketing that helps advertisers build Google AdWords campaigns. It can also provide you with ideas for keywords to optimize your website for as this tool provides advertisers insight into what search terms their ideal clients are using to find companies like yours. This tool can help you find the best keywords to optimize your website for. There is no better place to gain insight into keyword search volume than Google itself when determining whether a keyword is valuable for optimization.  

2.Google Webmaster Tool

Any website owner who is optimizing their website should use Google’s Webmaster Tool. It helps you to boost your search engine optimization (seo) efforts by submitting a website map that search engines see the full range of pages on your website, detecting broken links, and finding errors within your website because of using the Google Webmaster tool. The tool shows you which keyword queries your website appears for, and it also gives you a ranking for that keyword. You can also use it to submit a new page to a search engine, so that it is crawled faster, thereby helping you to rank more quickly. 

3.Google Analytics Tool

You should always keep track of digital marketing key insights into your website’s performance if you want it to perform optimally. Google Analytics Tool also allows you to see how many visitors come to your site, where they come from, how long they stay on your site, and which pages are the most popular. Apart from demographics, you can also discover what websites your visitors follow, where they are from, what keywords they use, and so much more. Using these data, you can design creative and reponsive website to attract more visitors and generate more leads from seo and sem. By tracking conversions, you can determine which marketing channels perform best and provide the best ROI.

4.Google Page Speed Test

The loading speed of your website is not only important for ranking well in search engine optimization (seo) results (Google began measuring page speed several years ago), but it also impacts visitor experience and can cost you leads because slow loading pages result in visitor abandonment and reflect badly on your brand. You can determine which parts of your website need to be updated to decrease their load time, thereby increasing the chances of getting higher rankings by using seo digital marketing tool Google’s Page Speed Test. Aren’t you worried about your page speed? WebPerformanceToday.com recently showed that Walmart.com conversions dropped sharply when loading times went up from 1 second to 4 seconds.  

5.Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Google began using mobile-friendliness as an SEO ranking signal on April 21, 2015. This will have a significant impact on search engine optimization (seo) results. If your website is not mobile-friendly, you can use seo digital marketing tool, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to determine whether it is. You can then uncover the criteria you need to create a mobile-friendly site and take the steps you need to take to ensure compliance. Early action gives you an advantage and gets you ahead of competitors with mobile-unfriendly sites. You should make sure your website is mobile-friendly not just for search engine optimization, but to ensure a sublime user experience for your website visitors. SearchEngineWatch.com posted an article that noted that Mobile Internet Use Exceeds PC Internet Use for the First Time in History. Your bottom line depends on your website being mobile-friendly and thus allowing customers and prospects to conduct business your way.

There are quite a few resources available that can help you understand what is important on Google, despite their tendency to hide it. With these tools, you are always one step ahead. There are more to it than just SEO digital marketing techniques.

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