The Importance of Using Explainer Videos in
Brand Building

A video explaining a concept or a product or a service is called an explainer video. It is the best marketing tool with which you can introduce your product to the online audience. The evolving google algorithm always considers the amount of time a visitor spends on a source in order to rank. And an online video is one of the effective and affordable ways which brought both popularity and conversion rates along with organic ranking. Thus an explainer video became the favourite strategy of online branding.

Now let us see how an explainer video becomes effective.

Increase Conversion Rates

The recent survey reports claim that 85 percent of customers are likely to buy a product if they can find a good explainer video attached to it. These online videos can keep a track on how many customers view your products and of them how many make a purchase. This is a great advantage over sites without explainer videos because they will have to manually count their number of sales and cannot calculate potential customers like the ones using explainer videos.

Clarify the Objective

People read the text in a different way and can develop interpretations that differ because of the way they read. But when you have an explainer video of the service or a product you can take the confusing part away from your customer because a video can explain it way better than words. Also, this is also a way in which brand can show potential customers what they are capable of delivering.

Produce Increased Interest

Identifying social signals has become the new necessity of Online Branding. And that kind of attention is gained by putting up images and videos that are expected to generate interest in the businesses.

Rank Better in SERPs

The truth about ranking is that, if the webpages are not interesting they won’t get ranked. Your webpage might be filled with relevant text and stuff but will only rank lower than an interesting webpage with an explainer video. While people go back to SERPs when they see a block of texts, they make real purchases within a minute if there were any explainer videos of the product.

Ease of Sharing

Free hosting sites like YouTube and Vimeo have tools which would allow you to upload videos and keywords to bring attention to them. They will be smartphone compatible but sometimes your website won’t be. And videos are easily shareable and chances are high that you can gain potential customers when your actual customers share.

We hope you are now convinced why your site needs online videos. If you are planning on a video strategy come to Beetle, because we got the best team to develop anything and everything for your website.

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