Display Ads: Get Started With
Everything You Need

This spotlight article will teach you everything you need to know about display ads. No matter what your goal is building your brand, generating leads – there’s all here.

Learn how to create eye-catching and engaging google ads creative, target the right audience, and tie it all together in a funnel that produces results. Let’s start by defining display ads and how they can help you achieve your growth and digital marketing goals.

  • Display Advertising – What Does It Mean?

Ads that combine text, images, and a URL that leads to a website where customers can learn more about or purchase products. There are many types of ads. An advertisement may be static with an image, or it may be animated with multiple images, videos, or changing text (also called a rich media ad). Different ad campaigns can have various goals, and some display ads educate, while others entertain through puzzles and games. Advertisements are commonly used to create awareness with banner ads.

As a result of digital advertising, the Internet marketing services industry is changing. As of 2017, digital ads accounted for 40.5% of ad spending in the U.S. By 2021, digital ads will make up more than half of ad spending. Spending on video ads reached $9 billion in 2017, and budgets for advertising technology are also on the rise. It takes comprehensive knowledge of digital marketing in all its forms to stay competitive in this rapidly changing market. Display advertising is a simple way to get started.

  • Types Of Display Ads

The main message of a display advertising campaign is communicated visually to the target audience with effective display advertising management. The objective is to automatically draw users to ads when they visit a site or platform. As a result, let’s look at some different options when planning a display advertising strategy.

  • Banner Ads

On any website, banner ads stand out as the most common form of display advertising. They resemble banners in appearance. Strip ads are nothing more than image-based, hyperlinked ads. To grab the user’s attention immediately, they are usually placed at the top of a page.

  • Rich Media

Advertising has been seeking new ways of displaying ads among Internet users, given that 30% find traditional banner advertising distracting. Interactive elements like video, audio, and clickable elements are incorporated into advertisements to make them more engaging with rich media.

  • Interstitial Ads

Before the page you wanted to visit is displayed, these advertisements appear as a separate webpage. Due to their size, they are effective at capturing the user’s attention.

  • Video Ads

In terms of display advertising costs, video ads are slightly more expensive but well worth it. YouTube and Instagram, which are growing in popularity, enable marketers to run video ads easily.

  • Display Ad Strategy and the Sales Funnel

As with all digital marketing strategies, display advertising begins with a goal. There are some advantages to display advertising that are slightly different from other digital marketing strategies.

Display Benchmarks Tool estimates that the average click-through rate across all formats and placements for display ads is 0.06%. A retargeting campaign set up by Retargeter yielded a 486% return on investment (ROI).

Therefore, your strategy will ultimately be determined by your objectives. These are some examples of possible display ad objectives:

  • Creating brand awareness and staying at the top of people’s minds
  • Offering a lead magnet to generate leads
  • Using retargeting to re-engage abandoned users/customers
  • Taking leads through the buying process and nurturing them


According to the PPC agency, display ads are most effective when they serve three different purposes:

The purpose of display adverts is to promote brand awareness and loyalty. Display ads have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.06 %. A comprehensive search engine marketing strategy requires testing, as do all marketing channels. The key is to analyse the data. The display ads you choose should also be considered with your google PPC campaigns and SEM funnel. A PPC campaign’s overall ROI may increase if you target users who do not act after visiting a landing page. In a well-planned strategy, the objectives are the first step. Understand your goals, the metrics you’re tracking, and why you’re running ads.

  • The best way to display ads

Like any form of advertising, the effectiveness of a display ad depends on its design. Keeping on track is easier if you follow these tips:

  • Consider your audience’s perspective

Ads that autoplay or pop-up can’t be scrolled away from should be avoided. People will notice you if you use these strategies, but not in the way that you expect them to. Placing static ads near the text or edge of the screen is a better alternative.

It’s also a good idea to not fill more than one-third of your advertising space. When there is too much advertising, it can irritate mobile users by blocking out the content they are trying to view.

  • Keep the design simple

A brand’s story is important, but display ads are usually too small to convey all the details. Make sure your design is simple and that you keep your message as brief as possible to avoid overwhelming your users.

  • Prioritize quality over quantity

You are only including the essentials, so make sure everything looks good. Your logo needs to be clear and bold, with high-resolution images. When exporting an image, make sure to preview it.

  • Make a strong call to action

While it may be tempting to use a generic CTA like “click here” or “continue,” being more specific will make your CTA far more effective. Here are some tips on how to write a compelling CTA.

  • Make your CTA benefit-oriented: CTAs like “Download Our Free eBook” or “Find Out More” let viewers know that if they click through, they’ll get something useful.
  • Use language that persuades: Use promotional items or potential discounts to entice your viewers.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Persuade your audience that if they click away from your ad, they will lose out.
  • Make the button the center of attention: Your CTA button should not only be easy to locate, but also impossible to overlook.


Unlike other digital options, display advertising works more effectively without trying to be something else. Your brand’s message is effectively communicated without being intrusive with this straightforward, visually appealing postcard. When you combine display advertising with other marketing techniques, you can reach potential customers at all stages of their journey.

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